Module 6: Integration: Achieve Long Lasting Success in Area of Your Life

The Takeaway

Learn how to leverage four habits of mind and three behavioral hooks to achieve any personal change you desire.

By the end of this module you will…

  1. Develop a simple and self-supporting accountability mechanism to help you attain personal desires. 
  2. Identify and disrupt the habit loops that don’t serve your best intentions and replace them with ones that will harness your best mental and emotional energies.
  3. Strengthen personal willpower by short-circuiting your natural resistance to change.
  4. Recognize how and when a negativity bias distances you from the sweet spot of growth and quickly find your way back.

The Practice

  1. Bring your full attention to any area of personal and professional growth that is very important to you
  2. Use a simple formula to note your negative-thought patterns and get back on target.
  3. Experiment with a mindfulness practice.
  4. Cultivate your sense of possibility, rigorous self-discipline and self-forgiveness.

The Toolkit

  1. Fill in the blanks Personal Improvement Goal Statement
  2. Fill in the blanks BTFAR Formula
  3. Fill in the blanks Keystone Habit Experimentation Worksheet
  4. Fill in the blanks Negative Self-Talk Identifier
Fill in the blanks Personal Desire For Change Gauge