Module 1: Increase Your Service Task to Sales Ask Effectiveness

The Take Away

Learn to comfortably, confidently and consistently transition from service task to sales ask without sounding pushy and keeping your ego intact.

By the end of this module you will…

  1. Strengthen your belief that a seamless sales ask after most service tasks is integral to your role as a trusted insurance advisor.
  2. Customize and internalize seven words to help you bridge from every appropriate service task to a conversational sales ask.
  3. Understand how focusing on your sales outcomes isn’t the way to improve them and which three metrics matter more when it comes to improving your sales success.
  4. Become more confident when you ask for the sale.

The Practice

  1. Use a quick and easy tracking tool to measure precisely how many sales opportunities you have and what you do with them.
  2. Bring awareness to which of the three impediments to cross-selling, up selling, and account rounding slow you down the most.
  3. Create a lighthearted yet effective aid to help you boost your ask and close rate. 
  4. Complete four fill in the blanks worksheets designed to help you sell more while you serve better.

The Toolkit

  1. Fill in the blanks Guesstimator Worksheet
  2. Fill in the blanks Three-Metric Tracking Tool
  3. Fill in the blanks Script Generator
  4. Fill in the blanks Sales Emotion Pulse Checker
  5. Fill in the blanks Self-Coaching Affirmation Worksheet.